Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sewer treatment blog

1.At the sewer treatment plant i learned that when sewage comes into the plant the first thing they do is filter out the big stuff. After that they clean the water and send it out. The sewage is put into a big container with lots of microoganisms that use the sewage as their food source. Finaly they send the water across UV lights that kill the germs. They used to use chlorine but the risk if a spill was too high and too dangerous.

2. Recycling is important for many reasons. One reason is to save the evironment by not taking raw materials from the earth when we can just reuse materials that we already have. I am going to continue to recycle because it is going to save many different types of the environment. Some examples are trees for paper, plastic for bottles, and metals for cars and many other things.

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